Hurricane Relief Vouchers Distributed To Louisiana Veterans Following Hurricanes Gustav and Ike |
NOTE: An excellent article with pictures is showcased in the Nov/Dec 2008 issue of National's "DAV" Magazine. We hope that those of you who receive the magazine will take the time to read the article entitled "DAV Rolls in to Help after Hurricanes". |
Nashville, Tennessee National Service Officer and Department of Louisiana Past Department Commander Paul Hermann distributed vouchers to service connected disabled veterans and their families at Department Headquarters in Baton Rouge, as shown in the photos below. A long time resident of Louisiana, he was pleased to render disaster aid during the aftermath of Hurricanes Gustav and Ike in the same way he did after Hurricane Katrina. PDC Hermann said that "We're putting out the DAV message and telling applicants what DAV is all about." Across the state DAV Mobile Service Offices were stationed, bordering the ravaged areas and deployed to help soon after the areas were reopened. Sadly, we could not possibly help everyone who needed it but as a result of DAV's efforts, National gave over 2500 grants to Louisiana veterans.