DAV Helps Veterans With Disaster Relief Aid |
After Hurricane Isaac passed, DAV National Headquarters sent a Disaster Relief Unit into the Baton Rouge area. We had two NSOs from Florida, Dan Anderson and Chris Diederich, doing the paperwork for the veterans who were impacted by the storm. Headquarters for processing of the applications for the funds allocated by National was American Legion Post 178 in Denham Springs. Members of DAV Baton Rouge Chapter #5, along with Department Commander Ray Arsement and Department Sgt.-at-Arms Dave Sensat, helped with the veterans. 200 vouchers were given out over the two days of the Labor Day weekend. All went well and thanks go out to all who assisted. Disaster Relief aid vouchers were also given out in New Orleans on Tuesday, Sept. 4th and Wednesday, Sept. 5th. Photos in slideshow are from the Baton Rouge assistance effort.